Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

    Grand Theft Auto: Ways to protect your car


    What was supposed to a fun night out turned into something different.

    Christopher Dobson was at a local Hooters enjoying an evening out with friends. About an hour later when he was ready to leave, Dobson walked out to the parking lot and noticed his car was missing. At first, Dobson thought it was a prank, but later on he realized his car was stolen.

    Dobson called 9-1-1 and filed a report when the police arrived. There was not much he could do but wait to hear if his car had been found, which it was four days later. Dobson’s car was found off Ajo road burnt to a crisp.

    Dobson went to the junkyard with his parents and sure enough his 1990 Honda Accord was there burnt from the inside out. Dobson knew it was his car because he found his books in the back seat, also burnt.

    Police Sergeant for Oro Valley Police Department Carmen Trevizo says it is a crime of opportunity.

    “They’re looking for vehicles that they can take easily without being detected,” said OVP Sergeant Trevizo.

    OVP Sergeant Trevizo says throughout the Tucson area vehicles get stolen everyday and there are steps that people can take to minimize their vehicle getting stolen.

    Valerie Vinyard Public Affairs Specialist for Triple A Arizona says some steps that people can take to not have their car stolen can be from not leaving items on your seats, keeping your windows rolled up, not leaving your keys in your car and locking your car.

    “Make your car as unattractive to thieves as possible, said Valerie Vinyard  for Triple A Arizona.

    Dobson now uses these steps to keep his car from being stolen.

    “Whenever I am going to leave it in an unsavory area or some place I do not trust, I always lock it up with the club,”said Dobson.

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