Dust swirls around Addison’s square-toed boots as she leads a calf the color of chocolate syrup out of the stall and into her backyard. Despite being three times her size, the animal follows patiently...
Children in rural and poor communities face a shortage of preschools due to underfunding and lack of access. Yet research has shown that children who come from these communities benefit the most from...
Arizona’s farmers are getting older — a lot older.
The average age of a principal farm operator in the state is 61.1 years old, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture from the U.S. Department...
A sea of green trees fill the valley, jagged pillars of rock pierce the crystal blue sky, and the sun reflects off tiny glass fragments embedded within the fossilized volcanic ash.
A love for kids, passion for teaching, love for the subject, a willingness to change and understanding the role of school in a child’s life. Those are the five qualities that can be found in an exceptional...