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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Crystal Palace Saloon is one of the 13 restaurants reviewed on TripAdvisor. A reviewer from Salem, Mass. said "This place is like walking into a history book. Everything original and has great drinks and food. Feel the old west and visit this place."

TripAdvisor Can Trip Up Business

asnsadmin March 26, 2014

The reviews are sometimes harsh: “Cold, over-priced food. Raunchy, very un-family friendly, totally inappropriate music, décor, life entertainment, waitress attire. Wish I didn’t’ even come to...

Tourism-Impacting SB1062 Vetoed

Maci Hidalgo March 5, 2014

Gov. Jan Brewer on Feb. 26 vetoed the controversial Senate Bill 1062, which would have allowed business owners to refuse service to homosexuals and others based on religious grounds. While the bill was...

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