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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

A woman takes a picture of her husband next to a group of cowboys outside the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. Photo by: Emily Lai/Arizona Sonora News

Tombstone businesses pin financial hope on cooler times

emily lai September 21, 2015

Tombstone relies on its tourism to keep itself afloat and while those numbers are continuing to tumble the town may find itself six feet below with nothing left but its history.Or is there hope for the...

The Benson Barbershop Quartet performs Oh Canada! and the Star Spangled Banner. Photo by: Briana Sanchez/Arizona Sonora News Service

Tombstone Says: Hell-Ohhh Canada!

Lauren Niday February 5, 2015

Canadians stormed Tombstone and the Border Patrol didn’t even flinch. In mid-January, more people were walking down Allen Street, Tombstone’s main drag, wearing Canadian red and white than cowboy...

Crowds gather on Allen Street to watch the gunfight show during February’s Tombstone at Twilight event.

New App Available for Tombstone Event

asnsadmin April 3, 2014

Tombstone Councilman Armando Villa created a free mobile app for the town’s monthly Tombstone at Twilight event. On the fourth Saturday of every month, shops and restaurants stay open late for visitors,...

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