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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Eloy Detention Center, located in Eloy, Arizona, is a privately run immigration detention center owned and operated by the formerly named Corrections Corporation of America, now CoreCivic. Eloy Detention Center is the third largest immigrant detention center in the nation with the highest number of deaths. (Photo by Elisabeth Morales/Arizona Sonora News Service)

Increasing immigration detention: sensible or senseless?

Elisabeth Morales April 6, 2017

The stark white walls, chairs, tables and ceilings were what first stuck out when Arizona State University researcher and professor Leah Sarat toured the privately owned immigration detention...

Maricopa County Sheriffs Officer ___ stirs vegetarian stew to be served to inmates. Photo by: Rebecca Marie Sasnett / Arizona Sonora News

Maricopa inmates learn to live vegetarian

KWolf April 21, 2015

Peter Pilat walks from room to room in a massive “Food Factory” warehouse in Phoenix, overseeing as Maricopa County inmates assist guards in packaging peanut butter and washing fruit. The county’s...

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