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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Enrique García Naranjo, doing an all-vinyl cumbia set as DJ Q.

Reality Vs. Romanticism: Pursuing A Career In The Arts

John Ricker April 12, 2018

Anyone can make and distribute music for the world to consume. Artists no longer need a Capitol Records or a Scooter Braun. In 2010, Damon Albarn, co-creator of popular virtual band the Gorillaz, created...

A person is much more likely to kill themselves with their own gun then someone else with a gun.

The epidemic of white male suicide

Chris Blach April 11, 2018

White men are killing themselves more than any other race. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 60 percent of all suicides are firearm-related and 80 percent of firearm-related...

White Mountain Apache Tribe decreases suicides, attempts

Erika Bloom November 15, 2017

Native American youth are killing themselves at alarming rates, but one Arizona tribe is working to reverse these trends. Nationally, suicide is prevalent in middle-age white men, but among Native Americans,...

Many state veterans struggle with mental health care

Many state veterans struggle with mental health care

Rachel Leinson March 19, 2015

 Tucson’s Fernando Galvan served two tours in Iraq for the Special Services Unit in 2007 and 2008. Once he returned home the nightmares began. Next came the paranoia and anxiety in large crowds, common...

Lance Sanchez, youth representative of the Sif-Oidak District in the Tohono O'odham Nation, looks over agenda items during the Youth Council meeting on Friday, Feb. 13. The biweekly meetings bring youth representatives from the 12 districts in the nation to discuss issues affecting native youth within their community.

Changing the dialogue on suicide among Native American youth

Razanne Chatila February 25, 2015

Native youth suicide rates are 2.5 times the national average and account for 75 percent of deaths among American native youth age 12-20. Suicidal Behaviors in American Natives/American Indians...

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