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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

A Frankie's South Philly Cheesesteaks employee prepares food for the lunch shift at the grill. Photo by Lindsey Wilhelm/Arizona Sonora News Service.

The death of mom-and-pop

Lindsey Wilhelm May 4, 2016

Americans are choosing chain restaurants over independent mom-and-pops. The number of independent restaurants in the United States decreased by 2 percent last year, while the number of chain restaurants...

Los Estados Unidos de adictos al azúcar

Valeria Flores April 7, 2016

¿Qué sabes sobre el azúcar? Siendo una substancia la cual se consume por la mayoría de las personas en los Estados Unidos, pensarías que la población en general tendría más conciencia sobre...

The National Post created this infographic to compare the American Heart Association's daily recommended sugar intake with the sugar contents of popular food items. Jennifer Sygo/National Post.

The United States of sugar addicts

Lindsey Wilhelm March 24, 2016

What do you know about sugar? As a substance most people in the U.S. consume in excess daily, one might think the general population would be more educated about it. The average American ingests more...

Las calabacitas. (Fotografía por Sarah Pelfini/Arizona Sonora News Service)

La especia de calabaza invade a los Estados Unidos

Alicia Vega October 20, 2015

Cuando la gente piensa en la calabaza, ya no piensan en lo que se puede encontrar dentro de su tarta del Día de Acción de Gracias.El sabor del otoño se ha introducido al café, al chicle, a los dulces...

Variety of Winter Squash (Photo By: Sarah Pelfini/Arizona Sonoran News)

Pumpkin Spice Invades America

sarah pelfini October 8, 2015

When people think of pumpkin, it is no longer what’s in your Thanksgiving pie.The fall-time flavor has crept into coffee, gum, breakfast confections and snacks, what is next for the national phenomenon?For...

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