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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Trends over the years show that women are significantly less happier in marriage than men.

Attention menopausal women: Want to be happier in life? New study says dump the chump

Jessica Carpenter April 14, 2017

You’re a young woman. You’re sitting at a fancy restaurant with your boyfriend of a few years. Suddenly, he gets down on one knee and presents to you a shiny engagement ring and asks you to marry...

Joanna Celaya, 31, con su hermano Adán en la garita Morley en la entrada de Nogales, Ariz. Les tomó tres años verse de nuevo. (Fotografía por: Joanna Celaya)

Conversadores de la cerca rompen las barreras del cerco fronterizo

Alicia Vega October 20, 2015

A lo largo de la frontera en Nogales a través de un cerco desgastado con huecos más pequeños que un penique, Joanna Celaya ve a su hermano por primera vez en tres años.Ellos platican y comparten los cuentos de...

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