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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Tucson’s Transit Tea Redefines the Tea Experience

June 2, 2023

The sign for Transit Tea on East Speedway Boulevard. Photo by Samantha Larned By Samantha Larned, El Inde Arizona With a hot air balloon mural on the side of its midtown building, a mountain and...

Susan Claassen at Invisible Theatre in Tucson. (Photo by Betsy Kaplan//Arizona Sonora News)

Why late Edith Head’s doppelgänger will never leave Tucson

Betsy Kaplan November 1, 2017

Each Thanksgiving Day, one of Arizona’s “48 Most Intriguing Women” becomes a clown. But when it comes to her career, the 5-foot Tucsonan is anything but clownish. Susan Claassen’s energy,...

Foley, in his office at the Arizona Border Recon headquarters, sits in front of a poster from the documentary Cartel Land, which featured Foley's vigilante justice.

Foley’s War: Occupying the U.S.-Mexico Border

Kendal Blust April 28, 2016

Wind whips through the dry grass at the base of the U.S.-Mexico border fence where Tim Foley stands smoking a cigarette and surveying vast wilderness of the Altar Valley. Here, just west of the Sasabe...

 Camerone Parker, center, shown with various Project Runway alumni designers at Tucson Fashion Week 2014's Project Runway Night. (Photo Courtesy of Tucson Fashion Week 2014 and ©Vickie Lan Photography 2014.)

Local fashionista’s idea brings Project Runway to Tucson

Maggie Driver March 24, 2016

The moment Camerone Parker stepped out of the car, photographers rushed to snap a picture of her wearing a coat made of seatbelts. Parker, a Tucsonan, is a model in the Classic Women’s division...

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