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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Generated image of what the Great Magellan Telescope will look like once assembled. Image provided by GMTO (Giant Magellan Telescope Org)

UA mirror lab gets one mirror closer to observing faint objects

Jorge Encinas December 9, 2015

Astronomical observations are about to move one step closer to reaching new heights as the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab, at the University of Arizona, prepares to remove another segment of the Giant Magellan...

Un grupo de científicos en la Universidad de Arizona se juntan para discutir la viabilidad de un hábitat en Marte. De izquierda a derecha, Gene Giacomelli, Alfred McEwen and Wolfgang Fink. (Fotografía por Tanner Clinch)

Los científicos de la Universidad de Arizona hacen jardines para Marte

Alicia Vega November 3, 2015

¿Pueden los humanos cultivar comida en Marte de la misma manera que el personaje de Matt Damon, en la película nueva de “Marte: Operación rescate”?Los científicos de la Universidad de Arizona dicen...

A group of University of Arizona scientists meet to discuss the viability of a habitat on Mars. From left to right, Gene Giacomelli, Alfred McEwen and Wolfgang Fink. (Photo by: Tanner Clinch

U.A. scientists make gardens for Mars

tanner Clinch October 21, 2015

Can humans grow food on Mars in the same way that Matt Damon’s character did in the popular new movie “The Martian”? University of Arizona scientists say yes, but not necessarily in the fashion that...

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