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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Sun Surveyor showing the phases of the moon in an area. (Photography by Tobey Schmidt/Arizona Sonoran News Service)

Nature goes online: Outdoor apps become more popular

Tobey Schmidt March 31, 2017

Want to find the perfect climb? Grab your phone. Want to reserve a campsite for your trip this weekend? Grab your phone. Want to track your speed on a bike ride, find a local hiking trail with...

A student at Andrada Polytechnic High School writes notes during class on Feb. 28, 2017. Her teacher is one of the many instructors affected by limited budget increases over the past several years.

Lack of pay for Arizona teachers problematic

Saul Bookman March 10, 2017
A decrease of teachers and shortage of money will have an impact in Cochise County as retention rates continue to plummet in the state.
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