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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Veronica Howe teaches her 6th grade class at St. David middle school, a rural affected by a lack of teachers. Photo by Clara Lovell/Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona rural schools struggle with teacher recruitment

Clara Lovell October 19, 2018

A continuous lack of qualified teachers has forced several Cochise County school districts to become creative when recruiting teachers, relying heavily on a “grow-your-own” strategy. “There...

Cochise County Schools Superintendent Jacqui Clay shares a few words with community members. Clay is in her first year as superintendent.

Jacqui Clay is changing the game on education

Saul Bookman April 30, 2017

    Education may not be perceived as a business, but with statewide funding an issue, Cochise County Schools Superintendent Jacqui Clay is attacking academics with a new approach...

Two Douglas district school teachers win at teacher of the year awards

Two Douglas district school teachers win at teacher of the year awards

Saul Bookman April 13, 2017

It isn't often that a career change destines you for greatness, but such was the case for Gemma German as she redirected life from nursing to Cochise County teacher of the year during a...

A student at Andrada Polytechnic High School writes notes during class on Feb. 28, 2017. Her teacher is one of the many instructors affected by limited budget increases over the past several years.

Lack of pay for Arizona teachers problematic

Saul Bookman March 10, 2017
A decrease of teachers and shortage of money will have an impact in Cochise County as retention rates continue to plummet in the state.
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