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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

The League of Women Voters has reached out to a numerous of Tucson area high schools to encourage 18-year-olds to register to vote.

League of Women Voters registering high school seniors ahead of ‘24 presidential election

Refugio Del Cid, Reporter April 22, 2024

The League of Women Voters of Greater Tucson are taking the initiative to reach the newly 18-year-olds by attending Tucson and Sahuarita public high schools to encourage them to register to vote in the...

Lack of AP class funding in rural Arizona

Lack of AP class funding in rural Arizona

Shannon Higgins February 11, 2016

Many rural Arizona schools lack the proper funds to start or expand their AP programs, including Tombstone High School, which lacks any such classes, and educators say this can be a serious detriment...

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