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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

The O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Ariz. on Sept. 30, 2017. The O.K. Corral has drawn visitors from all over to see reenactments of the famous gunfight between the lawmen and the cowboys of the Old West. (Photographed by Leah Gilchrist)

Vigilante justice paves a centuries long history for Tombstone

Leah Gilchrist October 18, 2017

A gunfight that happened in less than a minute in Tombstone on Oct. 26, 1881, left the town with an immortalized piece of history, and a place on the map. The shootout between Wyatt Earp, his brothers...

Los Vigilantes de Tombstone presentan su histórico y divertido espectáculo de armas el sábado del Helldorado. El incidente del tiroteo ocurrió el día siguiente.  (Fotografía por Emily Lai/Arizona Sonora News)

‘Helldorado perdurará’

Alicia Vega November 10, 2015

El fin de semana del día de Helldorado es una tradición vital para Tombstone; pero muchos se están preguntando si esta tradición será amenazada después del tiroteo que ocurrió durante una representación...

'Helldorado will still go on'

‘Helldorado will still go on’

emily lai October 29, 2015

 The weekend of Helldorado Day’s is a lifeblood for Tombstone.  But, many are asking, could that be threatened after the shooting during a staged street fight.Helldorado board member Barbara Furnas...

After gun show shooting Tombstone saying 'no' to blanks

After gun show shooting Tombstone saying ‘no’ to blanks

Kethia Kong October 29, 2015

The town is noticeably quieter, the streets more empty.Allen Street hasn’t felt the same since the shooting in the Helldorado festival.“Tombstone just hasn’t felt like Tombstone without gun skits...

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