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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Tim Loomis, owner of Tombstone's Big Iron Shooting Gallery, stands outside his gun vault. (Photo by: Elise McClain/Arizona Sonora News)

Guns blazing: Another bar shooting raises concerns

Elise McClain February 14, 2018

Tourists gather eagerly outside the historic O.K. Corral, drawn by the promise of “Gunfights Daily!” Billboards entering Tombstone advertise the lawless intrigue, drama and violence of Old West...

Legality of new Tombstone gun ordinance disputed

Legality of new Tombstone gun ordinance disputed

Hannah Palaniuk February 11, 2016

A new Tombstone city ordinance lets staged gunfights resume, but some question whether it violates established state gun laws. The gunfight performances Tombstone is famous for had been on a hiatus...

Arizona's lax laws influence a passionate gun culture

Arizona’s lax laws influence a passionate gun culture

Liza Rubin February 25, 2015

Amber Underdown, 21, loves her Second Amendment rights. “I come from a family that loves going out and shooting guns, so I feel very close to them when I go out shooting,” Underdown said. “Plus...

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