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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

(Photo Courtesy Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Department) Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada has served as the county's sheriff for over 25 years. He is currently the only Hispanic sheriff in Arizona.

Tony Estrada: an old, new sheriff for Arizona

Eddie Celaya December 5, 2018

Arizona is known for its tough-on-crime sheriffs. An image of a take-no-prisoners lawman is part of the state’s reputation.  Tony Estrada of Santa Cruz County, currently Arizona’s...

Monument Standing in Picacho Peak National Park to commemorate the lives of Confederate Soldiers who fought there.

Fight to remove Arizona’s Confederate monuments fizzle

Brit Reid March 21, 2018

For years, the East Valley branch of the NAACP fought to remove  Confederate monuments throughout the state. Nothing happened. Fueled by momentum after the August 2017 Charlottesville riots...

Students raising hands in classroom. (Photo by: Google for Education)

Teacher vacancies continue to climb in Arizona

Jessy Prettyman February 19, 2018

  Teaching positions across the state of Arizona continue to be vacant due to teachers refusing low earning salaries and inadequate working conditions provided by the state. To remedy these...

Christianna Silva / Arizona Sonora News Service

The last legislative roundup

Christianna Silva April 28, 2017

PHOENIX - This marks the last week the Arizona state legislature was supposed to meet. Instead, there will be additional special sessions to review the rest of the bills out there and go over the long...

Christianna Silva / Arizona Sonora News Service

Legislative roundup: Far from being done

Christianna Silva April 21, 2017

PHOENIX - The legislature passed its 100 day mark this week with still no budget - or solution to budget issues - in sight. The legislative session was scheduled to come to a close at the end of April,...

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