In Queen Creek, Arizona, you can find a 1.33-acre lot growing oranges, apples, figs, peaches, pears, grapes, sugarcane, lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, okra, corn, green beans – and also raising...
There is not a more relaxing springtime activity in Arizona than gardening on a cool, 85-degree day surrounded by sky-high saguaros and the dry, cracking dirt floor beneath you.
Two Southern Arizonan nonprofit organizations, Native Seeds/SEARCH and Tohono O’odham Community Action, are working to promote wild food sources and desert tolerant crops in the region.Before Arizona...
Imagine making a 100-mile trip every time you need fresh produce. More than 700,000 Arizona residents have no other option.
Arizona’s largest county, Maricopa, has 55 food deserts and the residents...