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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

A view of the San Pedro River, near the San Pedro House, in Cochise County, Ariz. The San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area provides a crucial habitat for over 300 species of birds. Nick Smallwood / Arizona Sonora News

New bill highlights conflict between development, water supply in San Pedro

Ava Garcia March 30, 2018

Sheltered in the shade of cottonwood trees flows the 150-mile-long San Pedro River, the last dam-free river in the American Southwest.  Yet, just a few miles away from the river’s edge lies...

A Great Horned Owl sits on top of a tree at the Sweetwater Preserve, in Tucson, Ariz. Great Horned Owls are one of the many bird species that can be spotted in Southeast Arizona. (Nick Smallwood / Arizona Sonora News)

Booming industry takes flight along San Pedro River

Katie Caldwell February 14, 2018

The desert’s warm sun barely rises over the mountains of Cochise County, and the brisk air rejuvenates eager birders on this mid-January day. Nine birders prepare themselves for the day’s adventure...

El holandés Nagle, presidente de la asociación de Los Amigos del Río San Pedro, se encuentra en un estanque cerca  de la de San Pedro. El río corre hacia el norte desde su nacimiento en el norte de México hasta su confluencia con el Río Gila cerca de Winkelman, Arizona.

Los seres humanos son amenaza para la salud del Río San Pedro

Mark Armao October 29, 2014

  El agua da vueltas y borbotea al pie de un álamo imponente, sus hojas reflectantes brillan en el viento. Los árboles sedientos se alinean en las orillas del río San Pedro, que fluyen sin represas...

Dutch Nagle, task president for the Friends of the San Pedro River, stands at a pond near the San Pedro. The river runs north from its headwaters in northern Mexico to its confluence with the Gila River near Winkelman, Arizona.

Humans threaten health of San Pedro River

Mark Armao October 23, 2014

Water swirls and gurgles at the foot of a towering cottonwood, its reflective leaves shimmering in the wind. The thirsty trees line the banks of the San Pedro River, which flows undammed from its headwaters...

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