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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Volunteers set up a farmer's market on Saturday, January 27, 2018 in Tucson, Ariz. (Photograph by: Sara Harelson)

Ending food waste one tomato at a time

Sara Harelson February 7, 2018

A tomato grows in Mexico. After being plucked from the vine, shipped into the United States, and placed on a shelf, it lies in wait. Some don’t even make it to the shelf. If the tomato isn’t purchased,...

Triscuit biscuits are one of the dry goods that last well at food banks. The Tombstone Community Food Bank is currently collecting foods for the holidays. Photo by: Tirion Morris / Arizona Sonora News Service

Hunger persists in Cochise County

Tirion Morris October 18, 2017

Hunger gnaws at Cochise County citizens more than the average American. The poverty rate in Cochise County is 18.7 percent, according to the 2016 U.S. Census Bureau compared to the national rate...

Take a tour of the North Pole at Enchanted Christmas in Prescott, AZ. Photo by Matt Hinshaw

Ways to spend Christmas in Arizona

Julianne Boisvert December 11, 2014

It’s not hard to guess why Prescott was bestowed the title of Arizona’s Christmas City by Governor Rose Mofford in 1989 after a visit to Enchanted Christmas: Tour of Lights  An entirely indoor attraction...

"Helping the homeless" by Ed Yourdon from New York City, USA - Helping the homelessUploaded by Gary Dee. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

The frustration of seasonal giving

Connie Rosas November 6, 2014

There's a problem with the holiday season of giving. When the season ends the giving stops. The holiday season is fast approaching and people begin to share time with loved ones and many people take time...

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