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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Border patrol agent tells student photographer to stop taking photos of port of entry (Photo by Alicia Vega/Arizona Sonora News Service)

Border agents crack down on First Amendment rights

Alicia Vega October 29, 2015

Border patrol officers and agents regularly harass, intimidate and threaten citizens and journalists alike who take photos from public rights of way at border patrol entries and do the same when they...

Jeff Wick / The Daily Wildcat
Tucson PD and riot police try to control an angry crowd after the Wildcat basketball game Saturday night.

Part 2: A statewide audit shows arms to spare

Daniel Desrochers May 6, 2015

Thirty-three percent of the law enforcement agencies in the state don’t follow the law, an Arizona Sonora News investigation has found.When sent a Freedom of Information request for an inventory of their...

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