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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Eloy Detention Center, located in Eloy, Arizona, is a privately run immigration detention center owned and operated by the formerly named Corrections Corporation of America, now CoreCivic. Eloy Detention Center is the third largest immigrant detention center in the nation with the highest number of deaths.

Aumento en la detención de inmigrantes: ¿Razonable o insensato?

Mar Ruiz April 21, 2017

Las paredes completamente blancas, las sillas, las mesas y los techos impactaron a Leah Sarat, profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, cuando visitó por primera vez el centro...

Casa Mariposa restores broken lives

Casa Mariposa restores broken lives

baraha elkhalil March 17, 2017

In a quaint house west of downtown Tucson thrives a local intentional community dedicated to helping the voiceless and fighting injustice in the wake of immigration reform. The movement, initially...

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