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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

The top six nationalities refugees originate from in Arizona. Figures taken from the U.S. Department of Health Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement, 2014. Graph by Jorge Encinas/Arizona Sonora News.

Despite rhetoric, refugees are a humanitarian concern

Jorge Encinas May 9, 2016

Without warning, a sudden deafening sound is followed by a wave of pressure passing through the body. Time seems to slow as the quick flash is finally registered by the eyes only to be quickly replaced...

El Proyecto de Almacenamiento y Recuperacion en el Centro de Avra Valley visto desde la Sierra de Tucson al oeste de la ciudad. Su construcción comenzó en 1996 y se completó en el 2002. (Fotografía por Jorge Encina/ Arizona Sonora News)

El tener un plan, mitiga la crisis potencial de agua

Alicia Vega November 10, 2015

El espectro amenazante de la escasez de agua en el Rio Colorado presenta una gran preocupación para los estados que dependen de él como fuente de agua, pero tomando precaución y medidas de planeación,...

Planning mitigates potential water crisis

Planning mitigates potential water crisis

Jorge Encinas October 29, 2015

The looming specter of shortage on the Colorado River poses a serious concern for states relying on the precious source of water, but with foresight and planning, many parts of Arizona are prepared to...

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