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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Tohono O’odham members and other southern tribe members hang a flag at the U.S.-Mexico border. Photo by Alejandaro Higuera.

For Native Americans, racism hits home

Sarah Covey November 15, 2017

  After over 500 years of broken treaties and forceful domination from European settlers and the U.S. government, Native Americans in Arizona today still face racism in the most intimate part...

Photo of the Dragoon Mountains, home of Cochise Stronghold (Photo by: Tombstone Epitaph).

Cochise: Arizona’s legendary Chiricahua Apache leader

Zach Pleeter November 19, 2015

Edward R. Sweeney’s fascination with Cochise began at 10 years of age.As a little boy, Sweeney says he read a biography about the tribe leader and became captivated by him as a warrior, man and leader...

Apache members are camped out at Oak Flat in an effort to save the land. Photograph by Kendra Hall © 2015.

Apache tribe members fight for sacred land

Kendra Hall October 13, 2015

They marched 45 miles in the sun with heavy signs and crosses. They slept eight months in tents surrounded by dirt with little food.Apache tribe members in Central Arizona are fighting for what they believe...

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