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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Rep. Dr. Gerae Peten and Rep. Reginald Bolding marching together at the March For Black Women In Phoenix, Ariz. on Sept. 30, 2017. (Photograph by Jenna Miller/AZ Capitol times)

African-American presence in Arizona politics

Justyn Thomas May 1, 2018

Low population, high unemployment, low median income and a lack of representation in government has left many African-Americans in Arizona out without a voice. “There are a lot of industries and...

BLACK in an open discussion during its  tuesday class. (Photograph by Kayla Belcher/ Arizona Sonora News Service)

Living Low: the Black student experience at Arizona

Justyn Thomas April 21, 2018

  Black students at the University of Arizona were told of a last-minute housing change right before fall finals week. The students living in the football stadium dormitory learned when...

Cowboy Ed Keeylocko grasps onto his double shot of 1800 Silver Tequila, as he sits on a barstool in the Blue Dog Saloon of Cowtown Keeylocko on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. (Photographed by Mackenize Boulter)

Sunset days of Cowboy Keeylocko

Mackenzie Boulter May 1, 2017

                    Ed Keeylocko, 85, is living his legend of the Wild West. With cactus green eyes, red hair and...

Arizonans share harm of racial profiling

Arizonans share harm of racial profiling

Hasna Shiwoko March 17, 2017

Racial profiling happens. It happens inside a classroom, at the market and in the streets. And to those to whom it happens, the hurt is real. Here are five stories. Chelsea Kiki With her...

Pictured here is a first grade class at Dunbar in 1951. Many African American students from around the community attended the school.

Roses that grew from concrete: The Dunbar School

Mihdi Afnan April 21, 2016

Just north of downtown, a wrought-iron fence surrounding a simple white building gives no clue of the historical importance of what’s inside. A barber academy in a small classroom and a dance...

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