Anton Chekhov’s “Uncle Vanya” has long been referred to as a theater classic. The play examines the themes of purpose, love and human failure centered on Uncle Vanya, a man struggling with regret...
Finding sustainable funding as an artist in Tucson is a challenge, said local artist Alex Jimenez.
Jimenez, a lifelong Tucsonan, sees the city's art scene as a relaxed and supportive community compared...
The Art of Desert Resilience
People have asked Rio Rico artist Nathalie Harmening if her ethereal sculptures are made from plastic.
“No! It’s natural prickly pear!” she responds.
With 180 local artists to choose from, the director of the Tucson Museum of Art’s Fall Artisan Market is sure everyone who attends will find something they love.
The event, which includes jewelry,...
For more than three decades, muralist Carlos Valenzuela has given voice to South Tucson’s rich history with his colorful tile murals.
But this fall, facing $20,000 in medical bills and the possibility...