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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

A haboob engulfs Phoenix on July 5, 2011. (Photo Credit:

Haboobs: One of Arizona’s most underrated weather hazards

Taylor Dayton May 11, 2017

  "Haboobs" might make you giggle, but in reality they are more deadly than they are humorous. With Arizona’s monsoon season less than two months away, meteorologists Ken...

A Rainbow appears after a rain shower in Marana, AZ on January 14, 2017. (Photo by Taylor Dayton)

Winter storms bring welcome rains and drought relief, but is it enough?

Taylor Dayton February 10, 2017

Recent storms and mountain snow delivered short-term drought relief created happy farmers, brought wildflowers that add color to attract tourists and replenished the water supply. But...

La siembra de nubes es una opción posible de evitar la sequía

Alicia Vega September 30, 2015

La sequía pone en peligro el futuro de Arizona y a los investigadores con sus ojos en el cielo y sus esperanzas en las nubes.La idea es de aumentar la corriente del Río Colorado a través de nieve comprimida...

On Sept. 16, Phoenix, Arizona sustained record flooding. (Courtesy, Jon Roig)

Arizona drought may be nearing an end

Malcolm Fuller November 25, 2014

After historic summer rainfall in Arizona, the state is still in a drought, but that may change over the next three months. Beginning in December and continuing through February, Arizona should be entering...

Mount Lemmon ski season shot to hell, with slim chance of freezing over

Mount Lemmon ski season shot to hell, with slim chance of freezing over

Lauren Shores March 18, 2014

SUMMERHAVEN, Ariz. -- If you’ve been waiting patiently for local ski season to finally start this year, it may be time to put your boots and poles back in the shed. Sure, there’s a little snow on the...

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