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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Hannah Rapp shopping for new clothes at Buffalo Exchange. Photograph by Claudia Johnson.

How to shop on a budget

Claudia Johnson November 7, 2018

As Hannah Rapp, a Tucson local, glides from one hanger to the next, up and down each aisle, her determination does not dwindle. If anything, Rapp said the hunt is her favorite part of second-hand shopping. “I...

Teresa Graham Brett, the associate dean of students for inclusion and multicultural engagement, is working with a team to develop the victim advocacy program at UA. (Photo by Aurora Begay / Arizona Sonora News)

Advocacy for sexual assault survivors coming to University of Arizona

Aurora Begay April 11, 2018

The University of Arizona is working on establishing a victim advocacy programduring the Fall 2018 semester. Victim advocates support sexual assault survivors by providing information and helping them...

Gilbert Mungaga, su esposa Ida Mungaga y su hijo. (Fotografía por Sheldy Edwards)

Una familia de refugiados encuentran apoyo en Tucson

Alicia Vega November 3, 2015

Gilbert Mungaga y su esposa huyeron de Congo, África después de sentir que sus vidas peligraban. Cuatro años después, la familia Mugana ha encontrado un hogar en Tucson.“Dejamos mucha de nuestra...

The Mungaga Family Photo by Shelby Edwards/Arizona Sonora News Service

Refugee family finds support in Tucson

Shelby Edwards October 21, 2015

Gilbert Mungaga and his wife fled Congo, Africa, feeling threatened for their lives. Four years later, Mugana’s family has found a home in Tucson.“We left many of our family and many of our friends...

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