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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

96.1 percent of America's top 1 percent income earners are white.

Racism and classism go hand in hand

Isaac Andrews November 29, 2017

Racism and classism make for interesting bedfellows. The nonprofit Class Action, explains the interconnection of race and class as so: “In the 1800s and early 1900s, some immigrant groups,...

Michelle Higgins, 51, working in her office on Wednesday, September 13, 2017. Photo by: Deborah Lee/Arizona Sonora News

Women’s pay shortchanged

Deborah Lee September 27, 2017

Eighteen cents. That is the difference between a woman and a man working in Arizona. According to data by the Institute of Women’s Policy Research’s (IWPR) project Status of Women in the States,...

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