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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Cones encircle a hole on the side of the San Jose de Tumacacori church. The hole is a result of heavy rainstorms in February, where water got under the structure's plaster layer and got to the adobe underneath. (Photo by Ava Garcia/Arizona Sonora News Service)

UA team studies environmental impacts on cultural resources in the West

Ava Garcia April 17, 2018

There’s a hole in a 218-year-old building in Tumacácori National Historical Park. It’s the result of rain affecting the historic building’s adobe structure. It’s what can happen when environmental...

Monument Standing in Picacho Peak National Park to commemorate the lives of Confederate Soldiers who fought there.

Fight to remove Arizona’s Confederate monuments fizzle

Brit Reid March 21, 2018

For years, the East Valley branch of the NAACP fought to remove  Confederate monuments throughout the state. Nothing happened. Fueled by momentum after the August 2017 Charlottesville riots...

Suzanne Moody and her 23 year love affair with Chiricahua National Monument

Suzanne Moody and her 23 year love affair with Chiricahua National Monument

Janie Todorovich September 27, 2017

    Park Ranger Suzanne Moody has lived at Chiricahua National Monument for 23 years, and she finds something new in the park to fall in love with each day. “You would think after...

Petrified National Park Ranger, Lauren Carter, gazes out at the vast wilderness  as she watches a bird fly across the blue sky. Lauren is developing a new program for school field trips, to the park, that will launch in April. (Photo by: Sara Cline)

A day in a park ranger’s life: Educating visitors

Sara Cline March 10, 2016

Lauren Carter’s face is speckled with freckles and tainted red from the sun. Her dirty blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail and tucked away underneath a stiff straw hat. A tattoo around her wrist...

One of the many sites at the Petrified Forest National Park. (Photo by: Sara Cline)

Petrified Forest: Digging out of a rock and hard place

Sara Cline March 3, 2016

Off of a gravel service road, at the Petrified Forest National Park, rests a pile of shame and abandonment that cannot be found on any park map. The pile is the size of a pickup but is composed...

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