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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Understanding joint health can prevent and even improve arthritis

Understanding joint health can prevent and even improve arthritis

Jessica Blackburn May 4, 2018

Younger adults without arthritis can do a whole lot to prevent it, those living with arthritis can make adjustments — and those considering joint replacement surgery should be more curious about...

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Who is the Gardasil shot really for?

Haley Cohn February 25, 2018

  Picture this: a world without sexually transmitted disease. Now open your eyes, step back into reality. The biggest issue facing the Human Papillomavirus shot is that women are being...

Arizona counties struggle to find emergency helicopters

Arizona counties struggle to find emergency helicopters

Mary Rinker February 5, 2015

Recent changes to the dispatch system in Santa Cruz County has local emergency responders worried that an evacuation may take more time than their patients have. In January, several Southeastern Arizona...

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