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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Bisbee's Safeway continues to sell paper and reusable bags to help eliminate plastic bag liter.  Photo taken by Garrett Green

The effects of plastic bags in our environment

Garrett Green December 4, 2017

The City of Bisbee is economically fueled by tourism, and the problems caused by plastic bags makes it harder for tourists to enjoy. Plastic bags are made of an ethylene byproduct like natural gas...

Brinkley sits with her foster owner, Michele Ochoa. Photograph by Jules Zappone  Arizona Sonora News ©2017.

UA valley fever research could save sick dogs

Jules Zappone October 11, 2017

Brinkley is only 1 1/2 years old. She takes six medications a day. One combats the infection in her bones. Three suppress her pain. One supplements her joints, and the last is an antibiotic that fights...

Existing power lines running through the San Pedro River Valley

The San Pedro River Valley: An energy battlefield

Emily Huddleston February 4, 2016

Cottonwoods shade a river where thousands of fish swim and millions of migrating birds stop. This green ribbon ebbs and flows through an otherwise charcoal brown valley. Dirt roads lead to farms...

La siembra de nubes es una opción posible de evitar la sequía

Alicia Vega September 30, 2015

La sequía pone en peligro el futuro de Arizona y a los investigadores con sus ojos en el cielo y sus esperanzas en las nubes.La idea es de aumentar la corriente del Río Colorado a través de nieve comprimida...

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