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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

As the demand continues growing in Arizona, new assisted living centers are booming.

The uncertain realities of the future of retirement living

Carly Rashoff April 6, 2017
The amount of retirement facilities in Pima County are growing due to the demand of aging seniors that are here in Arizona.
Tasas demográfica de suicidio por edad en el año 2012 (Gráfica por Shelby Edwards)

La gente mayor es más propensa a la depresión y al suicidio

Alicia Vega October 13, 2015

Las personas de edad avanzada sufren de depresión mas y en cantidades mayores que cualquier otra edad demográfica, aumentando la probabilidad de que cometan suicidio.Debido a la población amplia de...

Suicide rates by age demographic for the year 2012 (Graph by Shelby Edwards/Arizona Sonora News)(

Elderly more prone to depression, suicide

Shelby Edwards September 30, 2015

The elderly suffer from depression in larger numbers than most other age demographics, making them more likely to commit suicide.Due to Arizona’s large elderly population, keeping aging adults mentally...

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