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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Holly's Little Farm produces a variety of honey ranging from flavors infused with mesquite to wildflowers. (Photo by Stephanie Romero/Arizona Sonora News).

Honey industry buzzing in Southern Arizona

Stephanie Romero April 8, 2015

Little has changed in the way beekeepers harvest honey in Arizona, but industry experts remain hopeful that the  state's product is among the best.  “Honey stands alone from other sweeteners because...

Mole-- a twist on Southwest cuisine

Mole– a twist on Southwest cuisine

Stephanie Romero April 6, 2015

It’s a mixture of spices and flavors that take days if not weeks to create and spurs debate about what makes the best. This is the world of the mole and in Southern Arizona, chefs and locals alike...

Cafe Roka is situated in a building that dates back to the early 1900s built. Rod Kass and his wife, Sally Holcomb aimed to preserve the history of the building by making minimal changes to the interior. (Photo by: Stephanie Romero/ Arizona Sonora News)

Cafe Roka: One man’s dream of success

Stephanie Romero February 5, 2015

In a 1900s building on Main Street in Bisbee, Rod Kass unleashes his passion for food. Café Roka’s long-term success demonstrates one man’s dream to thrive in a fast growing industry where failure...

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