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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Statewide texting ban still unlikely in Ariz.

Statewide texting ban still unlikely in Ariz.

Samantha-Jo Roth May 23, 2014

Tucson, Ariz. - It’s been called the mother of all distractions, a threat to everyone on the road. Yet, texting and driving behind the wheel is still not against the law in Arizona. Michael Rosenberg,...

Ariz. lawmakers push bill for space tourism

Ariz. lawmakers push bill for space tourism

Samantha-Jo Roth May 23, 2014 Tucson -- Commercial space travel may seem like science fiction, but by 2016, lawmakers are hoping that you’ll be able to hitch a ride to the stratosphere...

'There's a new vehicle in town:' Stressing streetcar safety

‘There’s a new vehicle in town:’ Stressing streetcar safety

Samantha-Jo Roth April 4, 2014 Motorists and cyclists need to make room for another vehicle on the road. In July, the Modern Streetcar will be in full operation. It is currently in its testing phase...

Science City attracts young minds to Tucson's Festival of Books

Science City attracts young minds to Tucson’s Festival of Books

Samantha-Jo Roth April 4, 2014 This year’s Tucson Festival of Books is an event showcasing more than just books. The celebration of literacy and learning is also highlighting science. The local festival...

Protesters gathered at the Arizona State Capitol on Feb. 26, speaking out against Senate Bill 1062. Photo by Sami-Jo Roth / Arizona Cat's Eye

Senate Bill 1062 – a first-hand account from the Arizona State Capitol

Samantha-Jo Roth March 24, 2014 Arizona Governor Jan Brewer broke her silence on Senate Bill 1062 on Feb. 26, vetoing the bill that would have allowed businesses to deny service for religious...

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