Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Teachers in Arizona are one of the lowest paid compared to other states, according to the Educator Recruitment and Retention task force. (Photo by: Noor Jarki)

Arizona schools still struggling to fill teaching positions

Noor Jarki December 3, 2015

School districts across Arizona are scrambling to fill vacant teaching positions as disinterest in the field soars because aspiring and existing teachers are fleeing to other states where pay is higher.During...

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu posted this shirtless photograph on a gay dating website in 2012, which pushed him out of the race for Congress. (Photo by: Phoenix News Times)

Social media behavior can spell career trouble

Noor Jarki November 5, 2015

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu perhaps learned his lesson when he plastered his shirtless photograph on a gay dating website in 2012, knocking him out of the race for Congress that year.His is just an...

Only nine other states across the nation have higher reading scores than Arizona. Photo by: Noor Jarki/Arizona Sonora News

Why can’t Arizonans read?

Noor Jarki October 8, 2015

Fourth graders in Arizona read at one of the lowest levels in the country; only nine other states are worse. In the eighth grade, their reading improves slightly but still falls below the nation’s average.Experts...

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