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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonora News file photo

Money may not be the solution to rural doctor shortage

Mary Rinker April 16, 2015

Doctors are becoming a scarce commodity in rural Arizona, and despite recent legislation, it seems like money isn’t the real answer. In February, Governor Doug Ducey signed a bill which enhances...

Rural pharmacies disappear as mail-order drugstores take over

Rural pharmacies disappear as mail-order drugstores take over

Mary Rinker February 25, 2015

When the Tombstone pharmacy closed in January after decades of use, the loss was felt. The store was mostly a tourist trap, full of the quaint items you might expect in an old western drug store as...

Arizona counties struggle to find emergency helicopters

Arizona counties struggle to find emergency helicopters

Mary Rinker February 5, 2015

Recent changes to the dispatch system in Santa Cruz County has local emergency responders worried that an evacuation may take more time than their patients have. In January, several Southeastern Arizona...

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