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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Campus police officers: trained for the best

Campus police officers: trained for the best

Lexus Scott November 19, 2015

It was a routine traffic stop in Cincinnati, Ohio, in July that started it all.Former campus police officer Raymond Tensing pulled over Samuel DuBose because his car did not have a front license plate. Tensing...

Arizona students have problems with national math standards

Arizona students have problems with national math standards

Lexus Scott October 8, 2015

Tombstone High School students score higher at standardized math testing than most Arizona students.That is not necessarily good news. All Arizona students score below the national norm.A year ago the...

Principal David Thursday standing in front of the solar field at Tombstone High School 
Photo By Lexus Scott Arizona Sonora News Service

Schools make bank on solar

Lexus Scott September 21, 2015

Drive down Highway 80 into Tombstone and look to the left.A sprawling yellow school reveals itself and to its left stands a little patch of blue. Solar is shining at Tombstone High.Over the past 10 years,...

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