Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Foto por cortesía de usuario de Flickr Albert Palmer.

Los residentes de Arizona no tienen prisa por llegar al altar

Gabriela Diaz November 16, 2014

El contrato de renta de Kathy se había terminado. Después de casi dos años de noviazgo, ella se mudó con su novio Chris para dividir los gastos. Chris Florko y Kathy Chajkowski han estado viviendo...

Photo credit: Albert Palmer. Used under Creative Commons 2.0

Arizonans not in a rush to the altar

Gabriela Diaz November 6, 2014

Kathy’s lease was up. After nearly two years of dating, she moved in with her boyfriend Chris to cut expenses. Chris Florko and Kathy Chajkowski have been living together for 16 years now and marriage...

Mentoring programs  help Arizona youth

Mentoring programs help Arizona youth

Gabriela Diaz September 24, 2014

Arizona schools are finding great value in mentoring programs for middle schools. Having access to information about the application process and financial aid is important, but experts say even more essential...

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