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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

For the love of the ugly christmas sweater

Claudia Johnson December 11, 2018

As the lights of the store hit the tinsel, bells, and lights, I found myself enthralled with the decor that surrounded me. The enthrallment did not stem from the twinkle that bounced off the decorations,...

Laura Tanzer surrounded by her work in her shop at downtown Tucson. Photo provided by Laura Tanzer.

In fashion, green is the new black

Claudia Johnson November 7, 2018

After its success in the food industry, the green movement is now impacting how fashion business is operating and the way consumers are shopping. With the increase in consumer consciousness,...

Hannah Rapp shopping for new clothes at Buffalo Exchange. Photograph by Claudia Johnson.

How to shop on a budget

Claudia Johnson November 7, 2018

As Hannah Rapp, a Tucson local, glides from one hanger to the next, up and down each aisle, her determination does not dwindle. If anything, Rapp said the hunt is her favorite part of second-hand shopping. “I...

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