Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Gas stoves can cause a potential threat to your familys health if it is not burning correctly. Make sure to not have any burner left cracked since it could leak out too much carbon monoxide. Photo  courtesy of

The silent killer is on the loose

Casey Woollard January 12, 2015

Winter has slipped into the Arizona lifestyle and so has the potential threat for a silent killer. One family was feeling queasy and called the Fire Department who tested the air and found very high levels...

La Cuenca del Río Verde, ubicada en el condado de Maricopa, se preocupa por la disminución de peces debido al clima extremamente caliente y el uso excesivo de agua por parte de los humanos.

Arizona se podría convertir en la tierra sin peces

Casey Woollard November 26, 2014

Podría ser el momento en que los Arizonenses tengan que reconsiderar su uso del agua, ya que puede disminuir el suministro de peces en Arizona. Un estudio reciente sugiere que especies de peces nativas...

The Verde River Basin, located in Maricopa County, is concerned with the decreasing of fish due to the extreme hot weather and water use among humans.

Arizona might become the land of no fish

Casey Woollard November 20, 2014

It might be time for Arizonans to rethink their water use as it may diminish Arizona’s fish supply. Fish species native to Arizona watersheds could lose important parts to their habitat by 2050 as...

Una niña recibiendo una vacuna en una clínica de salud. Foto por cortesía de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud.

Los índices de vacunación en menores disminuyen debido a las diferentes creencias personales

Casey Woollard November 16, 2014

La cantidad decreciente de niños que reciben vacunas preocupa a los oficiales de la salud en Arizona. Las tasas crecientes de exenciones a la inmunización infantil no son debidas a las creencias religiosas...

Child getting vaccinated at a health clinic. Photo courtesy of the Pan American Health Organization

Childhood vaccinations decreasing based on personal beliefs

Casey Woollard November 6, 2014

A decreasing number of children being vaccinated concerns Arizona health officials. The growing rates of childhood immunization exemptions are not due to religious beliefs or medical backgrounds, but...

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