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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Of Dolores' 13 grandchildren, Frankie is the second eldest.  Photo by Adriana Espinosa/ Arizona Sonora News

The Matriarchal Role of the ‘Abuela’

Adriana Espinosa June 30, 2016

The backbone of the family, her authority is the end all be all She is the abuela. "Abuela” also known as “nana” in Mexican culture, meaning “grandmother” in Spanish,  plays a vital...

Pueblo High School is located on South 12th Avenue and West 44th Street.  Photo by Adriana Espinosa/ Arizona Sonora News

Rising stars of Pueblo High School

Adriana Espinosa May 9, 2016

While Pueblo High School may carry a generalization of  being in a rough southern Tucson neighborhood, where graduation rates are low, student retention is tough and student participation is lacking-...

Aunque muchos abuelos enfrentan el reto de criar a sus nietos, la familia Jasso es un ejemplo en Tucson.

Los abuelos enfrentan dificultades por ser quienes cuidan principalmente a sus nietos

Adriana Espinosa April 29, 2016

Traducido por Maritza Flores Campuzano  Andrea Zukowsky de 65 años de edad, estaba lista para disfrutar de la vida de jubilada y para viajar por el mundo junto con su esposo. Pero de repente,...

Adriana Espinosa/Arizona Sonora News Service

Native Americans have lowest graduation rates; Sunnyside district tries to help

Adriana Espinosa March 10, 2016

  Native American students have the lowest graduation rate in Arizona and nationally, according to data from the 2012-2013 school year, but one Tucson school district is trying to help change that...

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