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Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Arizona Sonoran News

Student Newswire of The University of Arizona School of Journalism

Arizona Sonoran News

Eileen McGarry, Director of Career Services for the University of Arizona

Job Outlook for 2013 College Grads

Zachary Vito May 1, 2013

As a graduating college senior, I am abandoning the one constant in my life that’s defined my sense of time for the past 18 years.  No more summer, spring or winter breaks await me—at least compared...

Magan Alfred, co-founder of Gutsy Mouse

Baby Boomers Build Digital Courage

Zachary Vito May 1, 2013

A group of baby boomers are helping the rest of their generation adopt the current technology trends that are sweeping the nation. Now more than ever, people feel the pressure to be connected. A vast majority...

The Changing Space of Office Space

The Changing Space of Office Space

Zachary Vito April 10, 2013

If you’ve ever wished your business had an office dog, comfy love seats to brainstorm in or big screen TVs for presentations, sharing a workspace may be the answer for you.

It’s no secret that startup communities are expanding across the country. As a major source of net job growth in our economy, startups no longer solely belong to tech wizards in the Bay area. The success of startups and entrepreneurs alike is starting to depend more and more upon co-working spaces, also popping up all over the country. Tech reporting giant Mashable even has a designated category on their site for co-working spaces.

Entrepreneurs are using co-working spaces to save money and to take the next step in growing their businesses Alex Gurevich, creative director and co-owner of web-design firm Graphic Fusion, is also one of the co-founders of Spoke 6, a co-working space in Tucson. Gurevich insists that Spoke 6 did not start out to be a co-working space, but rather more of a place where like-minded people could come together and help propel each other towards their business goals.


Businesses Reduce Health Care Costs by Encouraging Wellness

Zachary Vito February 25, 2013

Arizona businesses are tapping into wellness programs to encourage healthy behaviors among employees and ultimately to save money.

Both small and large companies are looking into wellness programs for their employees because regardless of the size, trade and other defining characteristics of companies, wellness programs can be effective.

The varying definitions of what it truly means to be a healthy individual has made it difficult to quantify statistics that show the benefits of implementing a wellness program.

“I think businesses are acting in good faith and that they have the belief that these things work, but we still lack good evidence on what really works and what doesn’t,” said Dr. Joe Gerald, an expert in the economic evaluation of health interventions and an assistant professor in the UA Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health.


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