Ryan Kelly
• March 7, 2012
Arizona is lacking policies that enforce proper training of future teachers, a study by the National Council on Teacher Quality found.
In its 2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook, the nonpartisan research group based in Washington D.C., rated the delivery of well-prepared teachers as a D- in 2011 for Arizona.
Arizona’s score in 2009 was a D.
While officials from the NCTQ say that Arizona lawmakers needs to create policies that screen students entering teacher preparation programs, and to test their academic and teaching aptitudes, educators say that the study is harsh on education facilities because it doesn’t look at all aspects of teacher preparation.
The study does not criticize what higher education institutions are doing, but is taking a closer look at what policies states have in place to ensure teacher quality, said Arthur McKee, the managing director of teacher preparation studies for the National Council on Teacher Quality.
The research is supposed to drive action to get better teachers for children, and also to assist policymakers in the decisions they make, he said.
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