Motorists and cyclists need to make room for another vehicle on the road.
In July, the Modern Streetcar will be in full operation. It is currently in its testing phase but Sun Link said they have noticed cars driving dangerously around the streetcar on its test runs.
” If only they were able to make it a little bit of its own thing, instead of putting it with traffic would have been perfect,” said Christopher Amloyan, a University of Arizona student. (By definition, of course, streetcars run on the street.)

The Streetcar travels with traffic on a 3.9 mile route from downtown Tucson to University Blvd. Sun Link is advising drivers to treat the Streetcar like another vehicle on the road.
“It’s difficult for everyone to understand there is a new vehicle in town that is sharing the road with you,” Sun Link General Manager Steve Bethel said.
Sun Link has added green bike boxes and bike dots to make transportation easier for cyclists.
“Just be prepared that you might have to stop when you are behind a streetcar,” Program Manager Shellie Ginn said. “We are trying to limit the time with stops. But nonetheless, be patient. We want it to be safe for all users.”